Search templates and alerts

A search template is made up of a search term, a time period and the sources to be searched, as well as the selected departments.

Creating personal search templates is very helpful if you regularly carry out a particular search. Besides these personally created search templates, there are also several generally available search templates (e.g. APA heute (APA today), Tageszeitungen Österreich (Austrian daily newspapers), ...).

Based on a personal search template, you can also define alerts for agency reports which can be delivered within the application, via text message or e-mail.

Creating and editing search templates

On the Search and Events pages

In the text field New search template in the Search templates and alerts area, enter a search template name and click create.

The new search template is displayed in the Personal search templates area.

To edit a search template, make the required changes on the Search page and click the link Save changes in the Personal search templates area.

On the Search result page

In the Your search area, click the link save as search template/alert.

The Save search template dialog is displayed.

Choose one of the following:

Choose Save as new search template and enter the name of the new search template in the text field.
Choose Overwrite existing search template and select the respective search template from the dropdown list.
Use as standard Activate the Use as standard checkbox if you want this search template to be active at your next login.
Optionally, you can also define alerts in this dialog.

Defining alerts

For agency sources, you can define alerts to be delivered within the application, via text message and/or e-mail.
To define an alert on the Search page, click the respective search template in the Personal search templates area. Click the activate alerts link.
To save an alert on the Search result page, click the save as search template/alert link in the Your search area.
If you have defined an alert for a search template, you will be notified of any articles fitting the search template – directly within the application, via a text message and/or via e-mail. You can access the full article by selecting the hyperlink that is delivered together with the alert.
Alert bar Whenever an alert is received in the application, a grey multi-line bar is displayed across the upper part of the page which remains visible during scrolling. The alert bar indicates the number of new articles, the title of the latest article and links to further alerts.
AOM alert Activate the AOM alert checkbox to be notified of new articles corresponding to your search template via a notification in the application. AOM alerts are displayed on the Alerts page.
SMS alert Activate the SMS alert checkbox and enter the mobile phone number where you want to receive a notification whenever new articles corresponding to your search template are received.
E-mail alert Activate the E-mail alert checkbox and enter the e-mail address where you want to receive a notification whenever new articles corresponding to your search template are received.
Immediately or scheduled

Choose if you want to receive e-mail alerts immediately or by schedule:

If you choose immediately, you will be notified every time a corresponding article is received. This option is only available for agency sources.

If you choose scheduled, you will be notified of the corresponding articles at specified times. These times are defined in the following options:

Delivery from

Choose the starting date of your weekly or monthly e-mail alerts. You can either enter the date directly or click the calendar symbol to select the respective date.

Weekly or monthly alerts will start at that date.

Daily If you choose daily alerts, you can select several times by clicking them while pressing the Ctrl key.
Weekly/monthly If you choose weekly or monthly alerts, select when your alerts will start. By default, the day of the week or day of the month of the first notification will be used.
A weekly or monthly alert always covers the week or month before the respective day of notification.
Empty e-mails By activating or deactivating the Send e-mail even when no articles are found checkbox you decide whether or not you want to receive an e-mail if no alerts are available for the respective alert period.

Buttons and links

In the dialogs
Cancel/Close Click cancel or Close to discard your changes and close the dialog.
Save Click save to take over your changes to the search template.
On the Search and Events pages
Save changes Click Save changes to overwrite the current search template with your modified settings.
Delete search template

Click the symbol to delete a search template you no longer need.

An information box is displayed. Confirm that you want to delete the search template.

The search definition remains available for the current search.